Foot fungus is a common name for several types of dermatomycosis, differing in the location and type of fungus. There are four main groups of mycosis of the foot:
- skin of interdigital spaces;
- toes;
- toenails (onychomycosis);
- skin of the lower extremities.

What is mycosis of the feet?
If you believe the statistics, in our country foot fungus is diagnosed in almost twenty percent of the population. Fungal infections live freely in the environment and we sometimes don’t even realize that we can be carriers of the disease.
Under certain favorable conditions, some of the nearly five hundred species of fungi that exist in nature experience a "moment of revival. "They multiply rapidly, forming numerous colonies and spreading spores to new areas of the skin.
Fungal waste products are toxic. As a result of intoxication, the entire body as a whole can suffer.

Mycosis of the feet is caused by microscopic fungi:
- dermatophytes;
- yeast;
- moldy;
- candida.
Prerequisites for the occurrence of foot fungus:
- visiting a swimming pool, sauna, bathhouse, gym, anywhere where you have to move barefoot, and there is also a risk of illness during work;
- using someone else's shoes;
- dermatological diseases (neurodermatitis, psoriasis, eczema);
- organic chronic diseases;
- diabetes mellitus (diabetic foot) and other endocrine disorders;
- flat feet with big toe deformity;
- increased sweating of the skin of the feet (hyperhidrosis);
- decreased body defenses, especially in people with nail fungus (onychomycosis);
- uncontrolled use of antibiotics, hormones and antiallergic drugs;
- injuries to the skin of the feet in the form of cracks, corns and calluses.
What does foot fungus look like?
The disease manifests itself depending on the type of fungus that has "infected" the skin of your feet and the exact location where it is located.
Very often, the symptoms of the disease (peeling, layering of scales, severe itching) occur with the addition of an inflammatory process due to scratching.

Fungal infection of the skin and nails of the foot has two forms - acute and chronic. In the acute form, recovery usually occurs within a few days (taking into account the adequacy of the prescribed medications). The chronic form is not completely cured; it alternates between relapses and remissions. Her treatment is aimed at smoothing the symptoms of the disease.
Important! As soon as you suspect the first signs of foot fungus, run to the doctor! Do not self-medicate, delaying the spread of infection. The longer you delay visiting a specialist, the longer the treatment will be.
Foot fungus between toes
The infection, as a rule, first affects the interdigital folds (especially the tightest among them - between the third and fourth fingers).
Signs of interdigital foot fungus:
- thickened skin is dry;
- furrows and even calluses form;
- the skin of the feet cracks and peels;
- pain and debilitating itching appears.
It happens that the fungus is hidden and manifests itself only by the formation of small cracks between the fingers, slight peeling and mild itching. The patient does not seek help from doctors for a long time, and only when weeping occurs does the patient begin to worry.
The exudative (wetting) form of foot fungus is:
- intertriginous, occurring like diaper rash;
- dyshidrotic - with the appearance of blisters;
- mixed - interginous-dyshidrotic.
The most dangerous form of fungal infection is considered to be vesicular foot fungus or dyshidrotic mycosis.
It is characterized by the formation of painful vesicles (large blisters) that fuse together and form large, erosive areas without any skin covering. As it develops, erosion constantly increases in volume. The fluid inside the blisters is highly contagious. You can infect all family members with it at once.
The foot, being practically without skin, also runs the risk of "catching" a severe purulent infection. Recovery is delayed by at least three to four months. The site of localization is usually the skin of the instep of the foot, a little less often - the skin between the toes, and even less often - the skin on the heel surface.
Fungus on toes
An untreated fungus "crawls" from the interdigital space to the nearest fingers. In principle, all the symptoms characteristic of mycotic infection of the interdigital folds are also inherent in the skin of the toes - severe itching, etc. They cause a lot of inconvenience.
As a result of endless scratching, the skin of the fingers thickens, becomes inflamed and acquires a bright red color. Persistent swelling, pustules and blisters appear. A pustular rash is usually formed as a result of a bacterial infection.
Almost always, the process that occurs on the skin of the fingers or between them spreads to the nails.
Onychomycosis or nail fungus
The main causative agent of the disease is dermatophytes, and at least fungi of the genus Candida. The appearance of the nail and the sensations with onychomycosis are not the most pleasant.
Signs of the disease:
- deformation and separation of the nail;
- pain when walking;
- the appearance of cloudiness and a yellowish tint on the nail;
- significant thickening of the nail plate;
- nail destruction.
Important! Onychomycosis contributes to the transition of any fungal disease into a chronic form. Do not delay your visit to the doctor, because fungal spores can spread further to the extremities: legs, thighs and even buttocks, abdomen and chest.
Foot fungus: causes and symptoms of the disease in a child
Fungus occurs on the feet of children for several reasons:
- endocrine disorders;
- uncomfortable, fake leather shoes that don't fit;
- improper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
- dirty, untrimmed toenails;
- neglect of personal hygiene rules when visiting bathhouses and gyms;
- flat feet.

Most often, the fungus affects children's skin in the spaces between the fingers. Symptoms: peeling, thickening of the nail plate tissue, severe itching. Small erosions and ulcers, inflammation of the skin of the foot appear.
Mycosis of the foot diagnosis
Correct treatment of mycosis of the feet, as well as its diagnosis, can only be carried out by a dermatologist.
What a doctor should do when diagnosing foot fungus:
- detailed examination of the patient’s foot;
- collecting anamnesis (a survey is conducted regarding symptoms of the disease, as well as the presence or absence of chronic diseases, heredity);
- scraping from the affected skin or cutting off a piece of a deformed nail;
- a special test to confirm the presence of a fungal infection in the body as a whole;
- sowing the material on a nutrient medium (if necessary);
- skin biopsy (a small piece of affected skin is cut off) for examination under a microscope (carried out in exceptional cases);
- General and biochemical blood test.

To get tested correctly you need:
- do not use antifungal agents without a doctor’s prescription;
- do not treat the affected skin with anything at least three days before the test;
- It is advisable to use only baby soap without additives;
- do not perform nail removal manipulations for a week;
- do not take medications;
- if possible, do not smoke;
- Before taking a blood test, do not drink coffee, lemonade, or alcohol.
How and with what to treat mycosis of the foot
The treatment prescribed by a doctor is usually complex, consisting of tablets and local products (creams, ointments, sprays). Treatment of foot fungus with folk remedies should not be ignored. They will be able to speed up the healing process of lesions. It is impossible to name one effective remedy that can be used for foot fungus, because during treatment it is important to obtain an antimycotic effect, eliminate concomitant pathologies and improve blood supply to the feet.
The following have an excellent therapeutic effect:
- A broad-spectrum antifungal is an excellent remedy for foot fungus. It is the basis for many antimycotic drugs. For local use only. Effective as an ointment, cream, lotion, aerosol. The ointment should be applied in a thin layer to clean, dry soles of the feet three times a day. It is better to use a month or two after treatment.
- A product (lotion) for restoring and protecting the nail plate in case of fungal infection. This spray has proven itself to be effective against foot fungus. Mainly serves to prevent fungal diseases. Contains undecylenic acid, which forms immunity against fungal nail disease. The spray is very easy to apply. It is used on the inner surface of shoes to disinfect them. But a patient with onychomycosis still needs to be treated using not only this, but also other antimycotic drugs.
- Antifungal drug for systemic use."To the ground" kills fungi of all kinds. It is used in the form of tablets, cream, spray and solution for oral administration. For adults, tablets are prescribed for two weeks, taken twice a day. Cream for fungus on the skin of the foot is rubbed into the damaged areas twice a day. The duration of treatment can range from a week to a month and a half.
- Antifungal antibiotic. The drug inhibits the proliferation of fungi. Available in the form of tablets, oral suspension and ointment. The ointment is indicated for use only in cases where the nail is not affected by fungi of the genus Candida.The tablets are taken for three months. The first month - once a day, the second and third - every other day. The dosage is prescribed by the doctor. The medication ends as healthy nails grow back.
- Antimycotic drug. It has a high degree of activity against all groups of mycotic organisms that can provoke foot fungus. It is available in suppositories and tablets, but is used to treat fungal infections of the intestines and female genital organs. It is recommended to apply the ointment one to two times a day for up to one month.
How to treat foot fungus at home
It is possible and necessary to treat a fungal "infection" at home, but only after consulting a doctor and having with you the test results and an individually selected set of special medications. Traditional medicine also treats foot fungus, but is usually used only as an additional treatment:
Baking soda is used for foot fungus as a softener (for a sore nail). Place your feet in a soda solution (prepared at the rate of one teaspoon per liter of warm water) for 7-9 minutes. From a cotton pad we form a plate corresponding to the size of the nail. Soak a cotton pad in a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide and place it on a soft nail. Wrap the compress in cling film or put on a fingertip. Keep the cotton swab on the nail for 45-60 minutes. We repeat the manipulation twice a day. If a burning sensation occurs, rinse your finger with water. You will see the effectiveness of the procedure within four days.

Treating foot fungus with wine vinegar is a simple and inexpensive remedy. At night, wash your feet with warm water without soap and place them in a basin with a strong solution of wine vinegar. After five minutes, wipe the feet and put on socks that were previously soaked in this solution. The procedure has a disinfecting effect. A simple recipe for treatment at home is a bath with instant coffee. Brew strong coffee in the required amount of water. The drink is allowed to cool slightly and the feet are steamed in it. With regularity - twice a day - the unpleasant odor from the feet is eliminated and mycosis is "expelled".
Rules for caring for personal belongings during illness:
- slippers must have a closed toe and heel;
- you cannot walk barefoot;
- shoes should be treated with antifungal agents twice a day, for example: a 40 percent solution of acetic acid;
- wash personal items separately from others;
- Wash bathtubs, basins, shower cabins with disinfectant solutions after use;
- Daily wet cleaning of the apartment and ventilation of the room is required;
- daily change of socks;
- After recovery, get rid of old underwear, shoes and medications.
Prevention of foot and nail fungus
To the question "How not to get sick? "the answers are simple:
- maintain personal hygiene;
- stick to a dairy-vegetable diet, eat more vegetables and fruits;
- give up bad habits;
- control your emotional state, beware of stress;
- engage in physical education and sports in the fresh air.